Steigenberger Hotels Egypt

Background music in the lobbies and restaurants

Theme nights

Along the Egyptian coast, we provide several Steigenberger beach hotels with background music in the lobbies and restaurants. On theme nights for Greek, Spanish or Turkish buffet, special tracks are running to underline the cultural and culinary diversity.

hotel steigenberger aegypten | Moodmusic GmbH
steigenberger hotels restaurants | Moodmusic GmbH
Further references hotel business
  • Sound systems for hotels

    Steigenberger Nile Palace

    The appropriate sound in 6 different areas of the hotel, including the pool area, the lobby and the various restaurants.

  • Ambient sound ambience for hotels

    Steigenberger Makadi

    Sound experience for guests in the lobby and open bar areas for a feel-good musical ambience.

  • Musikalische Hintergrundkonzepte in Hotels

    Europa-Park Hotels

    Various hotels have been equipped with special background music and some have their own soundtrack.

  • Sonnenalp Resort

    Sonnenalp Resort Allgäu

    For the 5-star luxury resort Sonnenalp, Moodmusik provides background music in the various bars, adapted to the time of day and season.